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Ozan Coskun


Ozan Coşkun was born in 1993 in Ankara and has a musical career as a guitarist and composer. His professional guitar career began with Prof. Ahmet Kanneci and Prof. Soner Uluocak. In 2013, he began his studies at the Hacettepe State Conservatory in Ankara, where he had the opportunity to learn from Prof. Ahmet Kanneci, a student of José Tomás, one of the greatest pioneers of modern guitar technique. 
He was awarded the 1st prize in the Euro Strings Composition Contest 2020 and was also a jury member in the Euro Strings Composition Contest 2021 with names like Stephen Goss and Sergio Assad, who are prominent names in the music and especially classical guitar composition.
The world premiere of Ozan Coskun's composition "Two Phantasmas" for solo guitar took place at the Musikverein Vienna Hall on the evening of October 1, 2020, Thursday, at 8:00 PM, performed by Dávid Fellegi.

On October 29, 2023, Ozan was awarded the "Jungkust" Art Support Prize organized by Volksbank.
Continuing his artistic endeavors and education in Detmold, Ozan participates in concert organizations both as part of ensembles and as a solo performer in various locations across Germany.
He has made significant contributions to his field through the recording productions of his own compositions and the music he performs. 

Coşkun, who also works as a film music composer, has so far been invited to film music festivals with the production of a documentary film, a short film, and a feature film score. He has also supervised productions of short film soundtracks, documentaries, and arrangements. With the soundtrack of the short film "Çember" ("The Circle"), he was a finalist for the best soundtrack of the short film competition in Buenos Aires.
As a composer-guitarist, Ozan has composed music for 2 films, 1 documentary, and 2 theatrical productions, and he continues to pursue his works.

During his bachelor's and master's education, he studied with tutors such as Can Aksel Akin, Önder Özkoç, Argun Defne and Stephen Goss and he worked on transcription, composition techniques, and harmonic approaches as well as modal and microtonal music.  in 2018, he completed his Bachelor's degree in Ankara with honors and was subsequently admitted to the Master's program at the Detmold University of Music in 2019. During his Master's education, he had the opportunity to attend masterclasses/courses and studied with names such as Pepe Romero, Jorge Caballero, Goran Krivokapić, Göran Soellscher, Thomas Kirchhoff, Hans Werner Huppertz, Dale Kavanagh, Joaquin Clerch, Olaf Gonnissen-Cornelis,Vural Kahraman, Erkan Mehmet Karagülle and Eren Sualp. 
Within the framework of the German-North Rhein-Westphalian Cultural Project, he was eligible to receive 2 different project scholarships.He is currently continuing his master's studies in chamber music, his 2nd master's degree, at the Hfm Detmold.
Currently, he/she is working with Juan Carlos Arancibia Navarro at HfM Detmold.
Lastly, at the Alumni Competition of the Hfm Detmold, he won the prize for the best modern piece interpretation.

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